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The Hunt for the Geocentric World Emploi Plein temps

3 mars 2023 à 4h45   Services financiers   Saint-Louis   95 vues Référence: 496
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"It could be an Iguanodon!" Papochkin said in a low voice. "Too bad it's not a kangaroo," said the botanist. If it were a kangaroo, we'd have dinner. If it were a lizard, I can't make up my mind what to do. Don't forget, my dear, that we can't find edible birds or mammals in the Jurassic. If we don't want to starve to death, we'll have to eat lizard meat. Despite your interest in collecting plant specimens, you can't find edible roots, fruits and grasses for a while. We can't eat these horsetail trees, or this uneatable Chickanooskie grass! Where's the fish? There are plenty of fish in the sea. "Why are you afraid of eating fish, but afraid of eating the flesh of a herbivorous lizard?"? In this underground kingdom, you must throw away all your prejudices. When the gun was fired, the beast jumped up and fell heavily on the grass again. When he was no longer struggling, the two hunters came out of their hiding place and went to him. This little lizard is taller than a man. Its clumsy body trailed a thick tail, and the tip of the tail became very thin. The forelegs are short and thin, with five toes and small, sharp claws, while the hind feet have only three toes and large, blunt claws. A pair of small round eyes grew on the big and ugly head,75 smart board, the body was as bare as a toad, and the hands felt sticky and cold. It looks funny. I'm not hungry at all! Gromeko said, poking at the lizard's thighs with his toes. It looks like a very big toad! If the French consider toad legs a delicacy. Why don't Russian explorers like fresh Iguanodon steaks? Let's measure it first, and then cut off its limbs and head. They measured the lizard's parts, took several photographs, recorded various impressions, cut off two hind legs,smart boards for conference rooms, each weighing about 16 kilograms, carried fresh meat on their backs, and returned to the camp with fresh water. The roasted lizard meat was so crisp and delicious that even Gromeko, who hated all reptiles and amphibians, ate it with relish. At dinner they discussed plans for further exploration. If there is no big river to the sea in the south, it seems that the boat that has been riding can not continue to be used. First of all, the mouth of a river must be found on this side. When looking for the river, you can also observe the terrain of the coast here. If you can't find the river, you can solve the problem of how to go next according to the characteristics of the terrain. Then we'll have to walk. Of course, exploration is greatly limited. Chapter 30 Carnivorous and Herbivorous Lizards The next day, the wind caused huge waves in the sea, and the waves that hit the shore splashed on the edge of the tent. In this weather, it is impossible to go to sea in a boat that is not very strong. So the explorers decided that four of them would follow the riverbed across the forest and go deep into the unknown hinterland. Since it was impossible to predict that the lizards in the sea would invade the empty tent at that time, the "general" was only stationed beside the tent and was not tied up. If there is any danger, electronic board for classroom ,interactive flat panel display, it can hide in the dense forest. At the point where the river bed forks, the explorers follow the left branch and head upstream. The horsetails and ferns on both sides stretch forward like two barriers. Only in some parts of the dense forest, there are occasionally a few narrow winding paths in the forest, which are trampled by small animals. Huge dragonflies and insects of the same size flew over the dense forest, and sometimes a few small pterodactyls flew to chase them. But the depths of the forest were silent and lifeless: not a bird could be heard, nor the rustle of leaves, which was heard in the forest on both sides of the Maksheyev River. Only once did Gromeko, who was walking in the front, see a small black animal as big as a puppy on a forest path. Before Gromeko could take aim, it had fled without a trace. Everyone had to be content with catching some insects. Papochkin caught a borer moth, thirty-five centimeters wide, resting on a palm flower, and some beetles, as big as fists, and told it to bite or scratch, but it hurt badly. At last we reached the end of the forest. The explorers stepped on an open forest meadow, where the grass was also very hard. In the wetter areas there are club pines, mosses, and tufts of ferns. The southern end of the meadow was the steep, bare slope of a cinnabar peak, two hundred meters high, cut off by a deep gorge, from which the water that turned the forest meadow into a swamp probably flowed. When it rains, the water flows down the riverbed to the sea. The meadow is more than one kilometer long and 100 to 200 meters wide. The valley in the mountain is of great interest to these scientists. They walked towards the canyon in unison. However, not far away, I found a small group of herbivorous lizards grazing on the edge of the forest at the north end of the meadow. Some stand upright on their hind legs and use their thick lips to pull down the leaves of palm trees and the most tender branches of horsetails and ferns. Other particularly small Iguanodon were also grazing, looking ridiculous, with their fat buttocks sticking up higher than their heads and their tails constantly swinging. Sometimes playing, sometimes chasing each other on four legs, sometimes jumping clumsily on two legs. Never miss such an interesting opportunity-to take pictures of Iguanodon eating grass and playing. The explorers returned to the edge of the forest as soon as possible, and with a little camouflage, they approached the Iguanodon group step by step along the edge of the forest, and finally approached. After the first photo was taken, the Iguanodon suddenly became alert: the big Iguanodon, no longer eating grass, was alert and squealed, and the small iguanodonts, hearing the sound, reared up on their hind legs, fell awkwardly to the ground, and rolled and crawled towards their parents. The Iguanodon formed a circle, with its back facing outward, and surrounded the children in the middle. The second and third photos preserve the panic of the Iguanodon forever. It turns out that the panic of the Iguanodon is not unreasonable. From the other end of the meadow,65 inch touch screen, along the edge of the woods, a monster came jumping and jumping. It jumped for several meters. At first, the explorers thought it was an Iguanodon.

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The Hunt for the Geocentric World